Recent content by avant-garde

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    What defines a successful economist / economist professor?

    ^ with what kind of work do they deal with? I thought economics was a relatively "imprecise" field compared to computer science
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    Schools Best path to a good Grad school and Career.

    Does a business major with a lot of CS research experience have as good a chance to get into a good CS grad school compared to a CS major with research experience?
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    Is GPA Important for a Career in Theoretical Physics?

    How so? I thought professors seek labor no matter what.
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    Schools Senior in high school looking for most optimal path to a good CS grad school.

    Let me try to clarify here. I chose business when I applied to the university because I thought accounting was a relatively safe, stable career and that computer science was somehow less so. I find computer science more meaningful but that doesn't mean I find every aspect of it to be "fun". It...
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    Schools Senior in high school looking for most optimal path to a good CS grad school.

    The best I could possibly get in with all my effort (whether this is be the #5 CS grad school in the nation, or #40, does not really matter.. as long as I take the most optimal path there and do it ethically). I was wondering what aspects the best/better CS grad schools look for in a college...
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    Accounting vs. Computer Science

    cpa's responses were beyond any advice I could ever ask for.
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    What defines a successful economist / economist professor?

    Are you absolutely certain about this? At least in academia/government, aren't there a lot of jobs for research-end economists?
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    Messed up my undergrad, and my chance of?

    lol, how did you mess it up?
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    What defines a successful economist / economist professor?

    How about this then... is there any academic advantage of mixing both Computer Science and Economics (possibly double major)?
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    Computer Science VS Computer Engineering (Academic Research ? Similar?)

    Ah... so anything with the word "computational" plus some subject in biology, eh? Not many undergraduate programs have those, so I guess it's still Computer Science at the undergrad level...
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    What defines a successful economist / economist professor?

    In recent debates of whether to pursue a career in Computer Science or Economics (both hopefully in academia), I've wondered how the measure of success differed between the two. It seems that "success" in computer science is a little bit more straightforward, whereas economics... I have no...
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    News Will we ever see HUGE government initiatives for Science and Engineering jobs?

    Yes, and this begs the question of whether it is possible to maintain the masses' interest in science when there is no "big threat" looming over us. However, it seems that the "big threat" could come in the shape of depleting resources coupled with overpopulation. Ironically, though, that...
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    News Will we ever see HUGE government initiatives for Science and Engineering jobs?

    You can tell me if this is bull**** but it seems to me that all there is left for America (whether it is possible to fund is another story) to create more jobs is to make engineering and especially science a regular, highly funded aspect of the government. There is a glut of science PhD's in...
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    Computer Science VS Computer Engineering (Academic Research ? Similar?)

    Computer Science VS Computer Engineering (Academic Research...? Similar?) Are there many overlaps in academic research for CS and CE? It seems that for the schools I've researched (UT, Stanford, CMU, etc...) the "research" sections of their webpages for both CS and CE seemed very similar...