Recent content by ashishvinayak

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    Question on Vapor Compression Cycle.

    Brilliant. Perfect explanation. Couldn't ask for anything more! :approve:
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    Question on Vapor Compression Cycle.

    This is what I want to understand. How is it possible to dump heat without reduction of temperature?
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    Question on Vapor Compression Cycle.

    For convenience, let's assume the following process to be ideal. Process 1-2 Isenthalpic compression Process 2-3 Condensation Process 3-4 Throttling Process 4-1 Evaporation The refrigerant is dry-saturated at the end of compression. Here's what I don't understand: During process 2-3, if we...
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    Engineering Higher Studies. US vs Germany.

    So there's a lot of speculation about which Universities are better for Engineering. Whether to go to the US or to Germany? I am faced with a similar scenario. I am planning to do my Masters in Engineering. One side says that US education system is better for it is more versatile, and...
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    ANSYS Basics Help: Is Meshing Necessary?

    I could use that but that wasn't my question really. I'd like to know when meshing should be used and when it should not be used ?
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    ANSYS Basics Help: Is Meshing Necessary?

    I've been studying ANSYS v11 from a book I bought online. I remember doing the same during my graduation. Now that I am studying in-depth I'd like to know why meshing is required (in more technical terms). Also, I am solving 2D truss related problems where I realize meshing is not done. However...
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    Using NaCl to conduct electricity?

    Homework Statement Okay, there's this point that NaCl conducts electricity. So I tried using it to burn a steel filament (a very small filament, like ones used in bulbs.) by connecting it as a switch in a circuit with a battery. The battery i used was 12 volts. 2. The attempt at a...
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    Where do i start for relativity?

    second yr engineering.. I just want to do this stuff out of interest.
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    Where do i start for relativity?

    It's pretty mediocre. I've read bits of relativity. Maths is good but nothing advanced. Have done small amounts of calculus, Fourier transforms, laplace, etc . Though i don't know where to apply all that! :frown:
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    Is it possible to calculate hour-glass parameters using calculus?

    It wouldn't be that impractical on every occasion. It would help in keeping different times (not that a watch can't do that) but just for a matter of interest! :smile:
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    Is it possible to calculate hour-glass parameters using calculus?

    Why would the velocity not increase? Wouldn't the sand on top put more pressure on the bottom sand? In that case if the sand amount increases wouldn't the velocity increase almost linearly?
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    Is it possible to calculate hour-glass parameters using calculus?

    I get somewhat of what you say. In that sense, I was modelling it in terms of pressure of the sand. Thanks anyway!
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    Is it possible to calculate hour-glass parameters using calculus?

    what is a physical model? I think that the mass would be related to calculate this, because it would be variable thus varying the velocity.
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    Where do i start for relativity?

    I would like to learn a lot about Einsteins theory of relativity, 4th dimensions (and higher), Time dilation, and such other concepts just out of interest. However, i do not know where to start. I know that Wiki is a good place, but its not what i need. I need kind of an in-depth study. So where...
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    First reactions to Einstein's theories? (support or refute)

    i saw this movie called "Einstein & Eddington". The movie showed that it was refuted in England due to obvious reasons (Einstein being from Germany). However after practical results of Einstein actually being right and a few years past, Einstein was supported. Eddington was a scientist from...