Recent content by Asawira Emaan

  1. Asawira Emaan

    MHB What are the orthogonal trajectories of e^{x}(xcosy - ysiny) = c?

    Asalamoalaikum, help me with this. I can solve it but it goes very lengthy. Determine the equations of the orthogonal trajectories of the following family of curve; e^{x}(xcosy - ysiny) = c
  2. Asawira Emaan

    MHB How can I create a strong password to protect my online accounts?

    Thanks by the time I got this answer I had already done the homework.
  3. Asawira Emaan

    MHB How can I create a strong password to protect my online accounts?

    Asalamoalikum, Kindly can someone solve these with explanation? 1. In how many ways can four French books, two English books and three German books be arranged on a shelf so that all books in same language are together. 2. How many different arrangements can be formed of the word "equation"...
  4. Asawira Emaan

    MHB Cost of 2x number of roses is not double the cost of x number of roses.

    Asalamoalikum, Explain why the cost of six roses is not double the cost of three roses? Hint: Think about a expression for cost of roses r, 2 + 5r. What if the expression for cost was just 5r instead?
  5. Asawira Emaan

    MHB How much money does the dessert store make from selling three muffins and four cakes?

    Thanks a lot. Finally Khan Academy accepted my answer.
  6. Asawira Emaan

    MHB How much money does the dessert store make from selling three muffins and four cakes?

    Asalamoalaikum! I was doing Algebra problems on Khan Academy. This problem isn't getting solved. Please help me with this. "The expression 2m + 10c gives the amount of money, in dollars, a dessert store makes from selling mmm muffins and ccc cakes. How much money does the dessert store make...
  7. Asawira Emaan

    MHB Solving Complex Number With Negative Fractional Exponent: i^(-21/2)

    but the answer of this question is -i (negative iota)