Recent content by Ark236

  1. A

    Why Isn't the Right Side Negative in a Vertical Spring-Mass System Equation?

    I have a doubt with the last part. Why isn't the right side negative? Because when the block is released, it moves upwards. thanks image was obtained from here Thanks.
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    Acceleration of stacked blocks on an inclined plane

    Thank you very much for the help
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    Acceleration of stacked blocks on an inclined plane

    Thanks, I think it's a little clearer now. The problem is that the force that body A exerts on body B is not m_A g since the system is accelerating. However, for me is still not easy to see to assume that, because similar to the elevator problem the person is exercising the real weight over...
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    Acceleration of stacked blocks on an inclined plane

    Hi, Regarding TSny's answer. For me is correct, the force of body A that acts on body B is m_A g. In the Body B there is one normal, N_b, that is the reaction of the surface between the body B and the plane. Regarding Kuruman's answer, if I do it that way I immediately get the correct result...
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    Acceleration of stacked blocks on an inclined plane

    In order to calculate the acceleration, I sum the equations sum fx^B and sum fx^A. F_{r,B} - m_Ag sin(theta) - (m_A+m_B) g sin(theta) = - (m_A+m_B) a then a = -[F_{r,B} - (2 m_A+m_B) g sin(theta)]/(m_A+m_B) =-[muk (m_A+m_B) g cos(theta) - (2 m_A+m_B) g sin(theta)]/(m_A+m_B) but the...
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    Is the Result of the Path Integral Positive Due to Negative dx?

    Thanks so much for the answer. Now for me is clear :D .
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    Is the Result of the Path Integral Positive Due to Negative dx?

    Because from the definition, the integration limits are the initial and the final points. From path c the particle starts from the point (0,1) and ends at the point(1,0). Also, the ##\vec{dr}## is the direction of the displacement, in that case, would be negative (##\vec{dr} = -dx \hat{i}##).
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    Is the Result of the Path Integral Positive Due to Negative dx?

    So how would you set up the integral of this path?, $$ W = \int_{1}^{0} \vec{F}\cdot d\vec{r} =\int_{1}^{0} (xy \hat{i} +y^2\hat{j })\cdot (dx \hat{i}) = \int_{1}^{0} xy dx $$ For me it is not totally clear yet the reason.
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    Is the Result of the Path Integral Positive Due to Negative dx?

    Thanks for the answers. It is clear to me that the integral must be negative since the force is opposite to the displacement. However, the path integral is defined as $$ W = \int_{a}^{b} \vec{F}\cdot d\vec{r} $$ where a and b refer to the start and end points, respectively. In this example a...
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    Is the Result of the Path Integral Positive Due to Negative dx?

    In the book it is mentioned that, in path c, the line integral would be: $$\int \vec{F}\cdot \vec{dr} = A \int_{1}^{0}xy dx = A\int_1^0 x dx = -\dfrac{A}{2}$$. but I think that dx is negative in that case, the result would be positive, right?
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    A Doubt about a time convolution master equation

    I study of interaction between a system with a reservoir considering a weak coupling between them. I consider a bosonic bath, the initial state are separable and the operator of interaction between the system and bath is linear in the displacements of the oscillators. . In the book "Quantum...
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    Doubt about a unit vector in toroidal coordinates

    The system considers a torus that has a wire wrapped around it, through which a current flows. In this way, a field originates in the phi direction. The direction of current is "theta" in the spherical coordinate system but in toroidal system, in several book shows that the electrical current...
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    Exploring the Intersection of Ellipsoids and Spherical Shells

    in this case $$ (x-1)^2 \le (a+1)^2 $$ and $$ (x-1/2)^2 \le (a+1/2)^2 $$
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    Exploring the Intersection of Ellipsoids and Spherical Shells

    Homework Statement I would like to know how the boundary of the inequality change when the origin of the coordinate system changes. Homework Equations The original inequality is[/B] $$ r_0 \le x^2+y^2+z^2 \le R^2$$ I would like to know the boundary of the following term, considering the...
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    Quantum Pair Production QED: Finding a Study Guide

    It's my first quantum field theory course.