Recent content by Arjun Singh

  1. Arjun Singh

    I Tachyon and antiparticle difference

    Hi! Are the anti particles in some sense the hypothetical resultant entities of quantum interaction between the photons and the anti-matter of the universe they travel through?
  2. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units Check out this container ship, apparently the largest of its kind in the world. The installed engine powerplant capacity of this class of diesel piston engines is upward of 69000 KW or 93000 hp.
  3. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    Relativity equation states that energy of a particle is product of its mass and square of its velocity at the speed of light. At this state the particle mass simply converts to energy aligned to universal law of conservation of energy. To go beyond spacetime threshold a force has to be acting on...
  4. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    I believe VTOLs will add to the vital side of aviation nomenclature of near future, let's say within a decade or so if I am not over stating. The reliability, frugality, handling parameters, usability and overall performance criteria of conventional fixed wing planes I don't think can be...
  5. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    Yet all these factors can be sorted out in the design upgrades of later class of VOTLs/STOLs. I believe Osprey's current design is good enough to inspire a whole new class of aircrafts without competing with conventional helicopters or fixed wing planes. A lot of its maintenance and handling...
  6. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    You mean by high fuel consumption due to VTOL?
  7. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    So how would you describe their quantum presence? Is their masslessness designates some sort of quantum threshold for energy to create mass? What's your view? Cheers!
  8. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    Ain't these particles somehow part of gravity itself?
  9. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    ATR 72 is a conventional fixed wing aircraft. I am talking about hybrid design of the Osprey. Aviation infrastructure, especially in emerging economies is concentrated towards major cities. Short Take-off/Vertical Take-off and landing aircrafts on the other hand do not require huge runways and...
  10. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    What are group's comment on Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey? I feel the aircraft design is quite sufficient to inspire a class of heli-crafts of near future for both passenger and cargo modes. Yet it is not much talked about.
  11. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    Broadening the context, I have been conceptualizing a clean plastic to fuel process through plasma conversion. If I am not mistaken, at absolute plasma state all materials become identical and can be utilized for mechanical work without any harmful fallout. My question is, once the plasma...
  12. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    To conclude, any sub atomic or molecular interaction is a product of all these forces working as per their quantum relativity to the interactive premises of the reaction. Depending upon the nature of the reaction the designated force leads the process. Is this a closest to correct statement?
  13. Arjun Singh

    KiloNewton/Pound foot of thrust into Horsepower units

    Didn't understand the strong and electro-weak interactions. Do you mean the chemical or ionic reactivity involved in their interaction or is it something to do with their valance relativity? I mean their atomic number relativity or position in the atom? I am not a trained physicist so pardon the...