Recent content by AntoineCompagnie

  1. AntoineCompagnie

    How can a lateral wind gust create a lateral acceleration?

    Hello everyone! I have some difficulty to understand what momentum actually is, can you help me understand this concept? 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known dat If a quadrotor of mass $1kg$ flying along the positive $x$-axis at a speed of $4m.s^{-1}$, why would a wind gust...
  2. AntoineCompagnie

    Why is velocity in body fixed frame equals to angular veloc?

    Homework Statement I don't understand, physically speaking, how do we get from the first equation to the second: how do we get the fact that velocity in body fixed frame equals to angular velocity in body fixed frame. Furthermore I dont' understand how we get the angular velocity in inertial...
  3. AntoineCompagnie

    Relational calculus in a library

    Let's assume that the Congress library has a database with the following pattern (the primary keys are in bold) Borrowing(People, Book, DateBorrowing, ExpectedReturnDate, EffectiveReturnDate) Lateness(People, Book, DateBorrowing,LatenessFee) Who are those that have never return a book late in...
  4. AntoineCompagnie

    Finding the equation of motion of an oscillator

    Oh, yes, your right: I didn't specified that ##l## is the length of the yarn, not a force. And yes it is the way it was given to me to find the motion equation which is: ##\alpha + \frac{g\sin\alpha}{l}=0## and which I don't understand... Thank you for your patience!
  5. AntoineCompagnie

    Finding the equation of motion of an oscillator

    First sorry, I misused the copy and paste tool so it gave this weird template which I can edit no more. The right one is the second one. In my attempt I did a list of the forces applied to the system: ##\vec P =m\vec g## toward the botom and which displays the weight. ##\vec T = \begin{cases}...
  6. AntoineCompagnie

    Finding the equation of motion of an oscillator

    Homework Statement A simple pendulum consists of a mass m suspended by a ball to a yarn (massless) of length l. We neglect friction forces. Give the list of every forces applied to this system and then the motion of equation. Why is the following equations necessary to find the motion...
  7. AntoineCompagnie

    Why is the work of a constant force conservative?

    Homework Statement Why for a given constant force, in a study reference system, which point of application moves from A to B, the work of the force is conservative? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The only thing I know is that if the angle ##(\vec{F},\vec{AB})## is acute...
  8. AntoineCompagnie

    Potential energy variation = work of -(conservative forces)

    ##\Delta K =- \Delta U## is just because there was more kinetic energy before than after, isn't it? And I'm dealing with Potenial energy, not kinetic one, does it change something?
  9. AntoineCompagnie

    Potential energy variation = work of -(conservative forces)

    Homework Statement Why is potential energy variation between two points equals to the work of the opposite of conservative forces between these two points? Homework Equations If we call these forces $$\vec F_ext^C$$ \begin{equation} \Delta E_p=E_p(B)-E_p(A)=-\sum W_{A\rightarrow B}(\vec...
  10. AntoineCompagnie

    How does the kinematic energy appear in the work integral?

    Homework Statement We call Kinetic energy Ec=1/2 mv^2 its deferral into the work integral gives: \begin{align*} w_{12}&=\int\limits_1^2\delta W\\ & = \int\limits_1^2 \vec F \wedge d\vec r\\ &\underbrace{=\int\limits_1^2dE_c}_{why?} \end{align*} But Why does the kinematic energy appears in...
  11. AntoineCompagnie

    Motion equation in the vertical plane along a cylinder

    My question was at the top: how do we find the motion equation and more specifically the motion equation of something with a mass $m$ in the vertical plane along a cylindrical path of radius R.
  12. AntoineCompagnie

    Motion equation in the vertical plane along a cylinder

    Homework Statement How do we find the motion equation and more specifically the motion equation of something with a mass $m$ in the vertical plane along a cylindrical path of radius $R$, (Translation: A point of mass $m$ slides frictionless in the vertical plane along a cylindrical path of...
  13. AntoineCompagnie

    What is the Connection Between Self-Studying Physics and Joining the Army?

    I'm Antoine, from France and self-studying Physics as an enthusiast. I'm interresting in all kind of physics but most spefcifically for this semester in waves. I'm studyning CS and I would like to join the army then