Recent content by Anthus

  1. A

    Electric field boundary equation implication at air/earth interface

    Hi, In the case of dielectric in electric field E0, we have E1 = E0 outside crystal and E2 = E0 - P inside, so that D1 = E1 = D2 = E2 + P. That's obvious. Now, if dielectric is ferroelectric and no external field, we have only bounded surface charges. It seems for me that E1 = 0 outside...
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    How is Ferroelectric RAM Operated?

    So, the voltage is somehow reversed. Thank you.
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    How is Ferroelectric RAM Operated?

    Hi, the schematic unit cell in DRAM is drawn below: Here, "zero" or "one" are simply capacitor charged or not. So to write a bit, we attach (or not) a source (Vcc) voltage with switch WBIT. In the case of FeRAM, we...
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    What is the minimum thickness required for ferromagnetism in thin films?

    Do you have access to any database, i.e. scopus? Fabrication: say something about sputter deposition, maybe chemical vapour deposition, epitaxy Properties: you can say something about magnetic domains (see domain theory). For example, in thin films magnetisation is oriented in-plane, i.e...
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    How can there be interference of light rays in Bragg's law

    yeah, this ray is not a single line. This line represents only the direction of movement of wave front. A wave front spreads perpendicular to that line.
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    SQUID: What and How Does It Measure?

    Thank you for your anwers! Magnetometer I will use has three detection coils that work as second-derivative gradiometer. However, what about situation: when the sample is magnetized only perpendicular to coil axis? It...
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    SQUID: What and How Does It Measure?

    What exactly does SQUID measure? Hi, I am not sure, if Superconducting Quantum Interference Device measures total magnetization of sample, or only the component of magnetization that is parallel to axis perpendicular to Josephson junction...
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    Matrix equation - numeric solving

    Thank you, I'll think about it :)
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    Matrix equation - numeric solving

    Hello, my problem is to numerically count "lambda" from that kind of equation: (\lambda ^2 \check{A} + \lambda \check{B} + \check{C}) \vec{v}=0 which means that: det(\lambda ^2 \check{A} + \lambda \check{B} + \check{C})=0 where A, B and C are n x n matrices, v is unknown vector and "lambda" is...
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    Interference of two particles - how does it work?

    OK, thanks, so I must understood something wrong... I thought that de Brogile wavelenght and wave-particle duality belong to classical physics and in QM we consider light only like an elementary particle... I've read too much about double-slit experiment :) On the other hand, is it a false that...
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    Interference of two particles - how does it work?

    Hello, I'm at this forum for some time, but that's my first post. Forum is so huge that I can't cope with reading even small part of it :) My question is connected with interference in quantum mechanics. We have two particles passing through two different slits. They interfere - but what...