Recent content by AnonLinear

  1. AnonLinear

    B Can Metal Pins Increase Heat Transfer in Concrete Walls?

    This is fantastic. Thank you for your model. So, say if the metal grid was in contact with a body of water, there would be heat transfer? If this is true, I know that metal will transfer that heat slowly, is there another kind of material I could use to transfer heat? My original idea of the...
  2. AnonLinear

    B Can Metal Pins Increase Heat Transfer in Concrete Walls?

    Excellent, Thank you very much. I will take this into account Would there be a copper tube to capture more of the heat, where the water would store it? And would the water need to be flowing. I'm looking for a system as passive as possible, with the least amount of mechanical parts.
  3. AnonLinear

    B Can Metal Pins Increase Heat Transfer in Concrete Walls?

    sweet, its got a name. I can't use water because then it would require a new active system to keep the wall cool and then there's mechanical parts. Where the grid (doesn't need to be steel) just needs to be installed and left alone. Thank you.
  4. AnonLinear

    B Can Metal Pins Increase Heat Transfer in Concrete Walls?

    ah excellent, I did not account for that, I will now.
  5. AnonLinear

    B Can Metal Pins Increase Heat Transfer in Concrete Walls?

    This would be how it would be structured, more or less. With the blue being the more conductive material. I would want the heat to "move" and centralize along this grid. Preventing heat from reaching the other side of the wall. Instead all being stored in the blue grid
  6. AnonLinear

    B Can Metal Pins Increase Heat Transfer in Concrete Walls?

    I had an idea thinking about heat transfer and how placing water over a hot surface will transfer the heat to the water. It got me thinking, in a case where water could not be an option for a medium could I use metal, which would still have a higher heat transfer to absorb more of the heat...