Recent content by AnnM

  1. AnnM

    Edit: Why is the work lower when a reaction becomes irreversible?

    Dear epenguin thank you for replying anyway. No actually, the textbook makes perfect sense to me now. I think Chestermiller explained it well. However, it may also be the case that there is no mechanism for transferring more than four protons per four electrons. Like you say, the proton...
  2. AnnM

    Edit: Why is the work lower when a reaction becomes irreversible?

    Oooooh! That really explains it! Thank you so much for the answer Chestermiller!:smile:
  3. AnnM

    Edit: Why is the work lower when a reaction becomes irreversible?

    All right! First a brief description of the enzymatic reaction: The enzyme in question is cytochrome oxidase (a.k.a. Complex IV), more specifically the caa3-type oxidase in mammal mitochondrial membranes. Oxygen is reduced to water by electron donation from cytochrome-c, plus uptake of protons...
  4. AnnM

    Edit: Why is the work lower when a reaction becomes irreversible?

    According to a trusted source (a textbook, if you must know), the actual Gibbs free energy of an otherwise reversible reaction, becomes lower than expected if the local circumstances makes the reaction effectively irreversible. The circumstances are that neither enough energy, nor a reaction...
  5. AnnM

    What Causes Biological Mysteries?

    Hi, I am a biochemist who bumps into physics now and then. Mystified by some biological phenomena I came looking for answers.