Recent content by Ananthan9470

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    I Best way to get an overview of research happening at CERN

    I have to write a research review for my University and I want to write a review on all the current work being done at CERN. Can someone please recommend a good place to start reading papers for this purpose? I read a couple of papers that I found in google scholar but I quickly got lost. Is...
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    Programs Where can I do a masters in Quantum Mechanics?

    I am an undergraduate student in India doing my final year BS degree in Math. I am extremely interested in quantum mechanics and want to peruse quantum computation. What is the best possible course that I can take for my Masters? There appears to be a limited number of colleges that offer a...
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    I Chain rule in a multi-variable function

    Suppose you have a parameterized muli-varied function of the from ##F[x(t),y(t),\dot{x}(t),\dot{y}(t)]## and asked to find ##\frac{dF}{dt}##, is this the correct expression according to chain rule? I am confused because of the derivative terms involved. ##\frac{dF}{dt}=\frac{\partial...
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    Bead sliding on a wire - calculus of variations

    It is from a professor and maybe he made a mistake...
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    Gravitation energy of a spherical shell

    I am asked to find the total gravitational energy of a hollow sphere using the fact that the field energy density is given by ##u_g = \frac{-1}{8\pi G}g^2##. Now, ##g = \frac{Gm}{r^2}## in this case and substituting gives ##u_g = \frac{-GM^2}{8 \pi r^4}##. Integrating this over volume will give...
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    Bead sliding on a wire - calculus of variations

    This is the problem statement. Am I interpreting this right? A bead slides fritionlessly on a wire, starting at rest from the origin (0,0) to some point (X,-Y) where X and Y are positive constants. (Here the +y direction is vertically upward) Aerodynamic drag is negligible. Find the shape of...
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    Bead sliding on a wire - calculus of variations

    I am asked to find the shape of a wire that will maximize the speed a sliding bead when it reaches the end point(Similar to the brachistochrone problem expect that the speed is to be maximized and not time minimized). But shouldn't the speed at the end be independent of the shape of the wire...
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    Classical Duffing Oscillator: Get Resources to Study it

    Can someone please suggest me a good reference for studying the duffing oscillator?
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    Lyapunov exponents of a damped, driven harmonic oscillator

    Homework Statement I am supposed to calculate Lyapunov exponent of a damped, driven harmonic oscillator given by ## \ddot{x} + 2\beta \dot{x} + \omega_0^2 x = fcos(\omega t)## Lyapunov exponent is ## \lambda ## in the equation ## \delta x(t) = \delta x_0 e^{\lambda t} ## The attempt at a...
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    Motion under influence of a resistive force

    For ##\alpha = 0## it is positive but what about something like α = 2? It is turning out to be negative unless I am mistaken. right?
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    Motion under influence of a resistive force

    Consider the 1d motion of a body under the influence of the force given by F = -m*γ*vα. m is mass, γ is a constant of appropriate dimension, v is velocity and α is dimensionless constant. The value of α for which the motion will come to a stop in finite time is to be calculated. I solved the...
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    I How can I write a normalized spin superposition in a simplified form?

    If I have an normalized spin superposition |ψ> = (a1+a2i) |1> + (b1+b2i) |2>, and asked to write it in the form |ψ> = cosθ|1> + eiΦsinθ|2>, how do I proceed? My main problem is that no matter what I try, I can't seem to get rid of some complex component that shows up in the coefficient of |1>...
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    Big Data in Physics: Quantum Mechanics/Particle Physics for Undergrads?

    I was afraid of something like this but is there really nothing else that might be open to the public? I don't even know how to begin searching for this. SImple google searches doesn't not seem to be giving anything definite. If someone can even tell me how to go about trying to gain this data...
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    Big Data in Physics: Quantum Mechanics/Particle Physics for Undergrads?

    I am an undergraduate physics major and I am taking a course on Big Data analytics. For the semester project, our professor has asked up to take up any field that interest us and do a project in that. I want to do something related to quantum mechanics or particle physics. Is that possible at my...
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    Mechanism to move things around

    Hi. I am working on a project that requires moving a small camera on a platform in a linear fashion. I have a rectangular board and this camera need to move from one end to the other controlled by an arduino or something similar. I don't even know how to begin to approach this problem. I am...