Recent content by amoghthebad

  1. amoghthebad

    (Magnetism) Magnetic pull force on a steel ball

    Hi Steve, I don't know how quote on this site just yet so I will just use numbered points to reply. 1. I accounted for the rapidly changing force by taking distance as 1/4th of the value between the two magnets (30cm), so 1/4th of that comes out to be about 0.075m. 2. The formula is in one of...
  2. amoghthebad

    (Magnetism) Magnetic pull force on a steel ball

    Another example: The value of the pull force that I gained from the calculator at distance = 7.5mm is 3.15823735 newton However at the same distance, the value I gained from the formula is 4.91*10^-6 newton. I have no idea why. For extra information, the diameter of the magnet is 19mm, and the...
  3. amoghthebad

    (Magnetism) Magnetic pull force on a steel ball

    I have to write a physics research project, and the topic I chose is magnetism. More specifically, the relationship between the final velocity of a steel ball, and the magnetic field strength in a gauss cannon. However, for the part where I use mathematical formulas to predict the results...