Recent content by amicus_tobias

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    One of the referees submitted his opinion after just one day

    I guess you are right. Thanks. I will try not to think about it for the moment...
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    One of the referees submitted his opinion after just one day

    I recently submitted a manuscript to Physical Review Letters, the editor sent it out to two referees. One of the referees sent his comment back on the second day. Do you think-based on your experience-this bodes well or the paper received a disastrous comment from the referee?? I know this...
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    Magnetic dipole moment of a ferromagnetic cylinder

    I think that is just another way to calculate the induced magnetic dipole moment if you know the current flowing. But now I have a magnetic field, I know exactly what it is, and I want to know what is the magnetic moment in a cylinder which happens to be ferromagnetic.
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    Magnetic dipole moment of a ferromagnetic cylinder

    Can someone help here? thanks!
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    Magnetic dipole moment of a ferromagnetic cylinder

    I have a Nickel cylinder, 5 micron in diameter and 10 micron in length. I know the external field \vec{B} is 80 gauss, what is the formula for the magnetic dipole moment of this cylinder in the field? Now I only have the formula for magnetic dipole of spheres, which is \mu = \frac{4}{3}\pi...
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    Convection of charged particles in oil subject to DC bias

    Hi all, I have recently observed a very strange thing (or rather, I shall say unexpected phenomenon). When I deposited some charged micro-particles between 2 electrodes (vertical plates) with a DC bias in hexadecane oil, I expected the negatively charged particles to go to the positive...