Recent content by Alvis

  1. Alvis

    Prove n1<N<n2 for effective index N....

    Ah, my mistake. It should be show n2<N<n1. Effective index is n1sin(theta). This is for the symmetric, 3-layer slab waveguide. The core thickness is d and its index is n1. The clad indices have the same value of n2. My task is to prove the effective index N of any of the guided modes obeys the...
  2. Alvis

    Prove n1<N<n2 for effective index N....

    Homework Statement Prove for effective index N that n1<N<n2. Homework Equations [/B] N=n1sin(theta) TIR is theta>thetacritical snells law-n1sin(theta)=n2sin(theta2)The Attempt at a Solution I know why N is strictly less than n1 since sin(theta) goes from 0 to 1 and if its at 1 theta has to...
  3. Alvis

    I Complex Analysis Harmonic functions

    Wow, that's a really good idea. I was trying to do the harmonic conjugate but was getting nowhere. Thank you!
  4. Alvis

    I Complex Analysis Harmonic functions

    Suppose u(x,y) and v(x,y) are harmonic on G and c is an element of R. Prove u(x,y) + cv(x,y) is also harmonic. I tried using the Laplace Equation of Uxx+Uyy=0 I have: du/dx=Ux d^2u/dx^2=Uxx du/dy=Uy d^2u/dy^2=Uyy dv/dx=cVx d^2v/dx^2=cVxx dv/dy=cVy d^2v/dy^2=cVyy I'm not really sure how to...
  5. Alvis

    Not a homwork problem, Fresnel Equations

    Homework Statement I was just curious, I know you can derive the critical angle using Snell's law..but could you use it using the Fresnel Equations of reflection, both of them? Homework Equations |r|=1 internal reflection of light...
  6. Alvis

    Solid State Physics, FCC or BCC and why?

    Homework Statement Based on sizes for Na(.97 Angstroms), Cs(1.67 Angstroms), and Cl(1.81 Angstroms), which lattice type would you expect for NaCl and CsCl and why? Homework Equations My equation for the hole size for a bcc is (4/sqrt(3))(radius)-2(radius), I assume you put in the radius of Cl...
  7. Alvis

    What Are the Pros and Cons of Pursuing a PhD in Physics?

    @Greg Bernhardt Thank you! I have an equally strong passion for shiba inus as I do physics and music!
  8. Alvis

    Programs How do you stay motivated in your degree?

    @MarneMath That's exactly it. I worry I won't have the academic stamina to want to finish. It's difficult putting in so much time and effort and you feel completely overworked and lost and for what? Taking a few (brief) breaks during the year might help me to remember why I'm doing this...
  9. Alvis

    What Are the Pros and Cons of Pursuing a PhD in Physics?

    Hello! I am currently a 3rd year physics undergraduate student. At the moment, I am unsure if I really want to pursue a PhD in physics or just go straight into the workforce. I always thought I wanted to go to grad school until a recent visit to a grad school that nearly turned me off. I am...
  10. Alvis

    Programs How do you stay motivated in your degree?

    That's awesome @micromass! I'm sure most people here, myself included, share your love. Unfortunately, we aren't impervious to burnouts D:
  11. Alvis

    Programs How do you stay motivated in your degree?

    Hello! I'm genuinely curious: How do you stay motivated in your degree? I just started my 3rd year of uni (physics undergrad) and I know when the school year gets busier, especially around Midterms, I'll get really stressed out. Plus,it being junior year, I'm taking a lot more advanced...