Recent content by AllanW

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    Finding the Inflection points of x^2-4√x

    Homework Statement find the inflection points of x^2-4√x Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Okay, I started with finding the derivatives; f'(x)=2x-2/√x f''(x)=2+1/√x^3 and made the second derivative =0 (2+1/√x^3=0)(√x^3) 2√x^3+1=0 (√x^3=-1/2)^2 x^3=1/4 x=cube root(1/4) x=0.63 But when...
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    Is this the same as lim x→2 sin(x)?

    Homework Statement if f(x)=sin(x), evaluate lim h→0 (f(2+h)-f(2))/h) to two decimal places Homework Equations (f(x+h)-f(x))/h The Attempt at a Solution On the assumption that this is the same as lim x→2 sin(x) sin(2)=0.91
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    Is this considered factored form

    okay that makes sense, so would 48(2x+5)^2(6x-1)^4(2x+3) be my final answer?
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    Is this considered factored form

    okay, so it is apparent i have no idea how A^2B^5+A^3B^4=A^2B^4(B+A) perhaps we start there?
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    Is this considered factored form

    so i should get 5(2x+5)^2(6x-1)^4(8x+4)?
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    Is this considered factored form

    okay, so you're saying I should get: (2x+5)^2(6x-1)^4((6x-1)+(2x+5))→(2x+5)^2(6x-1)^4(8x+4) what do I do with my coefficients?
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    Is this considered factored form

    i know, but my question was about the factoring part of the question which is why i had it under pre-calc
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    Is this considered factored form

    okay, is there an easier way of combining the exponential binomials or do i have to expand all of them out completely and try to find a way to factor them back down?
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    Is this considered factored form

    Homework Statement 6(2x+5)^2(6x-1)^5+(2x+5)^3(30)(6x-1)^4 this is what i got from deriving (2x+5)^3(6x-1)^5 and now i have to express my answer in factored form, does this classify as factored from even though it has a '+' in it? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
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    How do you decide what is dy/dt, or dx/dt

    i suppose what I am asking would be; what does dy/dt mean? I can't wrap my head around the explanation in my textbook and I am looking for a dumbed down version
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    How do you decide what is dy/dt, or dx/dt

    i understand differentiation in that you could find the derivative by going (2*1)t^(1-1) =2 I'm not clear on how it relates to dy/dt and combining it with dx/dt
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    How do you decide what is dy/dt, or dx/dt

    Homework Statement if y=2t+3 and x=t^2, find dy/dx Homework Equations dy=dy/dt*dt/dx The Attempt at a Solution dy/dt=2 dx/dt=2t therefore dy/dx=1/t what I don't understand is how the dy/dt etc. is found when attempting this problem[/B]
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    Finding limits to a piecewise function (3 pieces)

    I believe it because the limits approaching 1 from the left and right side is -2, what i don't understand is if and where the 'f(x)=3 when x=1' comes into play