Recent content by all_bran

  1. A

    Searching for Rolling Friction Coefficient for UHMW Polymer Rollers

    ah ha... it doesn't go horizontal like a garage door. It is a 3-leaf door, and the leafs simply roll straight up and out of the way. Analogy would be a guillatean (or however you spell that!). straight up & straight down, usually near perfect counterweight. All 3 leafs retract up and are...
  2. A

    How to figure in cascading coefficients of friction?

    I have a system that has several different sections which different coefficients of friction. Most rolling. The mechanics go in this order: motor, gearbox, pulleys & wire rope, and rollers that align a vertical door in a track. So I'm going to say my lubricated metal gearbox is ~0.01. My...
  3. A

    Searching for Rolling Friction Coefficient for UHMW Polymer Rollers

    Does anybody have a table of rolling friction coefficients? I can't find the one I'm looking for. I have a vertical door opening (similar to a garage door) where there are UHMW polymer rollers rolling in a track. I read somewhere that the coeff of rolling frict would be close to teflon on...