Recent content by Aleksa S.

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    Stephen Hawking and Zero Energy

    I never asked 'why' the universe exists, I said that Hawking tried to align the creation of energy with the laws of thermodynamics, in that, he achieved nothing but push the question back, where did the initial energy come from, needed to start the process of energy / negative energy creation...
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    Stephen Hawking and Zero Energy

    Hawking states that he can make the origin of the universe fit in with the laws of thermodynamics by eliminating total energy in the universe to zero by anti matter. However, this does nothing but push the question. How could the process that made matter and anti matter begin without energy? He...
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    Stephen Hawking and Zero Energy

    I've heard famous physicists like Stephen Hawking promote the idea that the conflict between the laws of thermodynamics and the beginning of the universe can be avoided if there is the same amount of anti-matter as there is matter, making the total energy level zero. I understand, that makes...
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    Temperature need to melt this ice in 400 years

    How much temperature is needed to melt ice -30C that covers an area of 34 million km2 and has the height of 11.4 km in 400 years? For example, X number of celsius degrees are applied non-stop for 400 years in order to melt this ice entirely from the surface (turn to water)