Recent content by alech4466

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    How do math and statistics play a role in economic speculation and hedging?

    Okay, didn't see that section when looking to post this.
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    How do math and statistics play a role in economic speculation and hedging?

    My question/topic of discussion is, "Economic Speculation and Hedging". For many people this is just a mysterious thing that big bad Wall Street bankers do, and I want to find out about it. How does the calculus and the other maths apply to speculation and hedging? I understand that math is...
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    Life after Differential Equations

    I was in geometry my freshmen year, it was really boring and with a terrible teacher so I took from algebra 2 to calc 1 which I'm in right now at my local community college Thanks for the answers
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    Life after Differential Equations

    I am currently taking calculus, and will be done with differential equations by the time I graduate high school, maybe by junior year. I was wondering what comes after differential equations, because up to differential equations there was a series of maths that you were supposed to take...
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    What is Hyperbolic Cosine Used for?

    Thank you. That is a much better explanation than my professor gave. What would be an example of an equation that uses cosh or other hyperbolics though?
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    What is Hyperbolic Cosine Used for?

    I just learned about hyperbolic functions in my calculus class, and though my professor attempted to explain the use of hyperbolic functions, he really did not go very far into it, just providing a weak example ("If two people are holding a chain, cosh(x) factors into how much the chain...
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    Formula for the Path of the Sun

    I've done a google search, but I didn't find anything. When we tried to find the equation, we tried just using a normal sine equation over the period of a day, not taking the oscillation of tilt into account Thanks
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    Formula for the Path of the Sun

    Last semester in my astronomy class, we tried to find an equation that would fit the path of the sun based on measurements we took, but we realized that due to the change in the tilt of the earth, it wouldn't be a simple sine or cosine graph, and we dropped the subject. I was wondering if there...
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    Why Does the Chain Rule Work in Calculus?

    I do not. I pretty much have only seen one proof of it in the calculus book, though the proof didn't explain why it works
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    Why Does the Chain Rule Work in Calculus?

    I just learned about chain rule in calculus, but I was wondering why exactly chain rule works. I understand how to use it, just not exactly why it works. Thanks in advance
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    What are some recommended science and math books for a sophomore in high school?

    Okay, looking online for books, Halliday and Resnick popped up a lot. I took calculus at the local community college because I was taking trig first semester and placed into calculus 2nd semester. The system they use calls the classes Calculus 1, 2 and 3. Thank you
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    What are some recommended science and math books for a sophomore in high school?

    I am a sophomore in high school, and I have currently taken through Calculus 1, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, and 2 years worth (my school crams 1 year of material into a semester) of mixed sciences all with A's. While each of the classes served as an introductory level course(a little bit more...