Recent content by Air

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    Equilibrium Constant Calculation

    When I substitute into each other, they all just cancel out to 0=0.
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    Equilibrium Constant Calculation

    The whole question is posted in post number 3.
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    Equilibrium Constant Calculation

    I understand how the equations are set up but I can't seem to solve the maths to get the equilibrium constants. Is there something I am missing? Like I said, I am aware that X = 200 thus that value remains at that. Also, From the fourth equation K_{out} = Cl_{out}.
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    Equilibrium Constant Calculation

    From this, finding the concentrations at equilibrium.
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    Equilibrium Constant Calculation

    Homework Statement With the 5 equations, the equilibrium contants can be calculated at the bottom. (See image) My complication I am aware that X = 200 thus that value remains at that. Also, From the fourth equation K_{out} = Cl_{out}. But, I cannot seem to work out the values. If not...
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    Solving Integral Equations: Placing Arbitrary Constants in ln/e Solutions

    Oh yes, that is correct. Silly mistake. Thanks.
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    Solving Integral Equations: Placing Arbitrary Constants in ln/e Solutions

    This is a question... For the following question: y^{'}=\frac{dy}{dx}=3y I get the solution... \int \frac{1}{3y} dy = \int dx \frac{1}{3}ln y = x + c y = e^{3x}+e^{3c} However the textbook example says the solution is... y = ce^{3x} My question is would my answer be incorrect...
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    Happy Holidays: Have You Been Naughty or Nice?

    Merry Christmas everyone! :smile:
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    Max Shear Stress Homework: Find Max Stress

    Homework Statement Find the maximum shear stress for \sigma _{xx} = 120 MN/m^2, \sigma _{yy} = 50 MN/m^2, \tau _{xy} = 40 MN/m^2Homework Equations \sigma _{min} = 0.5(\sigma _{xx}+\sigma _{yy})-0.5((\sigma _{xx}-\sigma _{yy})^2+4\tau _{xy} ^2 )^{0.5} = 31.8 \sigma _{max} = 0.5(\sigma...
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    European Experiences of the Icelandic Geyser Ash Clouds

    I live in UK. I haven't seen the ash but it's said that it's so high up that it doesn't effect people living here and thus it is not visible. As for people stuck abroad, trains are very booked. Also, in France, there are train strikes which makes the situation harder...
  11. A

    Solving Distributed Load Homework: Reaction Forces at A and B

    Also, what is that dot they have in the bar mean? At point A.
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    Solving Distributed Load Homework: Reaction Forces at A and B

    Oh yes. It's -(1.8)(0.5). Found 1.8 in the step earlier and forgot to put that in. Thanks.
  13. A

    Solving Distributed Load Homework: Reaction Forces at A and B

    Homework Statement To find the reaction at A and B. (See image below) Homework Equations Moments and Area The Attempt at a Solution Area of load: (0.3)(6) = 1.8kN Moments about A: -(6)(0.15) + RB(0.6) = 0 --> RB = 1.5kN 4. The error and question I get the reaction force at...
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    Is it time for a Happy Christmas celebration?

    Just popped by to wish everyone here on PF a merry christmas. :smile:
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    Air's Bipolar Junction Transistor Q&A Thread

    Hi, I'm learning Bipolar Junction Transistor and need help to confusion which arise so I will keep posting questions which I don't understand to this thread. Thank you in advance. So my questions start: When using hybrid pi model and t model, we determine the dc operating point first. In one...