Recent content by Agnostic

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    Aquiring blood samples for research.

    For a required research project for my degree, I am giong to need blood samples. Anyone have any ideas on who I should contact? A hospital, a doctor? edit: Blood samples will have different blood diseases and disorders
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    Voltage & Current: Understanding Garden Hose Pressure & Flow

    You can think of voltage as the amoutn of energy to move an electron through a resistance and current as how many electrons are moving through the resistance.
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    How Big Must the Mirror Be to Focus a Megawatt per Square Meter on a Monkey?

    Well, a mirror of size A=1000m^2 would obviously give you that amount of energy...but I am not sure about other parameters and how they would affect...sorry
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    Exploring QM's Theory on Photon Creation and Annihilation

    Is that to say there is a 0 probabilty of a photon going to a positron and electron?
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    How Big Must the Mirror Be to Focus a Megawatt per Square Meter on a Monkey?

    does the problem want a numerical answer, or an equation as a function of focal length and distance?
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    How Big Must the Mirror Be to Focus a Megawatt per Square Meter on a Monkey?

    Well, it would depend on the focal length of the mirror and the distance between obects
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    Exploring QM's Theory on Photon Creation and Annihilation

    can an electron and positron annhilate each other without the presence of a neutron?
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    Exploring QM's Theory on Photon Creation and Annihilation

    Does QM tell us that photons are actually electrons and positrons goign through a cycle of annilation and creation?
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    How Big Must the Mirror Be to Focus a Megawatt per Square Meter on a Monkey?

    The question as i am reading isn't very clear. You would have to have a parabolic mirror to focus the it would depend...unless I am missing something
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    How Big Must the Mirror Be to Focus a Megawatt per Square Meter on a Monkey?

    Just to clarify, this is a mirror and not a lens...right?
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    Must haves classic textbooks?

    I can't believe no one has mentioned the "Boas book" (Mathematical methods in the physical sciences) for mathematics. Greatest book...ever. It is the true bible.
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    Must haves classic textbooks?

    Ive never been a big fan of Feynmans intro lectures as yes they are intro topics, you really need a good background in them for his lectures...
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    Getting a job with a MS in Engineering Technology

    To my original question, would it be difficult finding a decent paying job (about US $50,000) with a BS in physics and a MS in Engineering Technology?
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    Getting a job with a MS in Engineering Technology

    At many schools in the US. 4 year Engineering Tech degrees only require math up to HS Algebra 2, not even pre-calculus. Hence it is like a 2 year ET degree from ITT tech.