Recent content by adx24001

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    Exploring the Concept of Individuality and Cloning: What Sets Us Apart?

    I can't believe how difficult it is to explain. Try this - In a reality where there is human cloning etc. The clones are frozen until the person that needs it dies. His/Her mind can be transferred and he would wake up as him. At the moment we are skirting around the idea of physical copying and...
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    Exploring the Concept of Individuality and Cloning: What Sets Us Apart?

    It's not fiction. It's not known. Let me explain what I mean. Fig 1 - You are the line Fig 2 - You are cloned - essentially a copy nothing else Fig 3 - You and the clone are joined by together by something and are able to see...
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    Dealing with Stress: Tips for Reducing Stress and Anxiety

    Getting fresh air can help with stress, you can try lavender oil blended with a mixing oil and massaged on your neck. Chamomile tea can help as well.
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    What kinds of foods give you the winds ?

    Ground or whole cumin seeds aids good digestion, reducing flatulence!
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    Navigating the Path of Life: One Question to Find the Way

    Sounds like Knights and Knaves by Raymond Smullyan!
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    Exploring the Concept of Individuality and Cloning: What Sets Us Apart?

    I had this really odd thought. If you cloned yourself and you have identical memory with the clone, the clone is not you and he/she is not you, that makes the clone unique. What identifies or separates the two? What I'm getting at is this. What is it that makes you and the clone separate...
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    Why does the sun have a black point and is it an optical effect?

    Isn't it the same as looking at the sun? We 'burn' out part of our eye? Same applied to the camera?
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    What lies outside the universe?

    Sorry to jump in here, I have little knowledge but read the posts. Just wanted to add this - If there are other universes/dimensions beyond our own, surely we can't see them as their physics are different. What if our universe was created by some kind of matter/antimatter explosion, is this...
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    Can We Detect or Interact with Alternate Universes with Different Physical Laws?

    Cosmology, yeah, good place to start I guess.
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    Can We Detect or Interact with Alternate Universes with Different Physical Laws?

    Sorry, I don't know where to post this one - Could we detect other universes where the laws of physics are not the same as ours? If there was another universe could we visit it or send anything? Would it be 'compatible'? Could the universe have been created from a type of antimatter...
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    Welcome! Physics Enthusiast New to the Scene

    Hi, I'm new on here. Forgive my use of layman's terms I studied science at school, highest grades were in physics. I am bright so give me a chance to catch up!
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    Learn Physics: Options for Lazy College Students

    Hi, I just registered here, my reason for joining this post was to learn. I've had a flick through some of these posts and they are out of my league. In case you're wondering I studied science at school. I have been a bit lazy and didn't go to college or university, but keep my eye on what I...