Recent content by AdrianHudson

  1. AdrianHudson

    I What is the difference between thrust and thrust density?

    Ahh! So its the thrust produced per m2 of the nozzle area. Therefore that means that if you had nozzle "A" that has a surface area of 0.5m2 with a thrust of 10 Newtons and Nozzle "B" that has a surface area of 1m2 with a thrust of 10Newtons. Nozzle "A" is producing more thrust density? Am I...
  2. AdrianHudson

    I What is the difference between thrust and thrust density?

    The picture above has thrust density as a column and I am not too sure what that is. Can anyone explain to me what the difference between thrust and thrust density? Thank you for your answers!
  3. AdrianHudson

    I Particle Focusing using EM fields

    Do you have any recommended readings? Textbooks would be best, thanks for you quick reply. *edit, forgot to mention thank you for the penning trap link. Thats perfect!*
  4. AdrianHudson

    I Particle Focusing using EM fields

    Good day all! I have a question that has been in my head bouncing around for a while and I figured the best resource would be here as I can't find anymore related information (Or I am just looking in the incorrect spot). My apologies if this is in the wrong section I wasn't too sure where to...
  5. AdrianHudson

    What Are the Growth Prospects and Earnings in Robotics and Petroleum Industries?

    Oh you can't like look at how much annual profit an industry makes and the forecast.
  6. AdrianHudson

    What Are the Growth Prospects and Earnings in Robotics and Petroleum Industries?

    Hey guys! I'm just wondering do you know where I can see the growth and total money made by an industry like say robotics or petroleum. I just want to see what industry I want to go into when I'm older:)! Thanks
  7. AdrianHudson

    Finding Topology Books for Beginners

    Alrighty and analysis is just an extension of calculus right? Aren't those related.
  8. AdrianHudson

    Finding Topology Books for Beginners

    Just a curious cat if you will and since my semester coming up is going to be easy (some tech classes and Chemistry) it means I will have plenty of time to learn new stuff and satisfy a curious mind. I will check out those books I probably will only look at the Undergrad textbooks not much more...
  9. AdrianHudson

    Finding Topology Books for Beginners

    Grade 12 university stream math (Canadian system) U math is the equivalent to AP in America I think. Pre-calc, some calc knowledge and that's it. Will I need to know abstract algebra and stuff like that?
  10. AdrianHudson

    Finding Topology Books for Beginners

    Hello :) I am looking for some books for an intro to topology and what other books I need to supplement my readings not quite sure the prereqs for topology but I am willing to learn the stuff needed thank you! P.S Physical textbooks are what I am looking for but if that's not available then...
  11. AdrianHudson

    People not interested in science?

    Is this what you're talking about? I live in the great white north so I haven't had an encounter with this "everyday math"
  12. AdrianHudson

    People not interested in science?

    W-w-what is that thing...
  13. AdrianHudson

    People not interested in science?

    Define everyday math like multiplication, division and adding stuff like that ?
  14. AdrianHudson

    People not interested in science?

    It would be interesting to have a survey, would you guys be interested if I made a survey and posted the results? The participants would be from my Highschool and it might help to see what is actually wrong with the education of math and science. Adding on, I might have to get a bigger sample...
  15. AdrianHudson

    People not interested in science?

    Very true, nothing tastes better than bacon wrapped scallops ;) anyways I guess people can choose what they like and what they don't like even though I still don't understand why they hate science and math. I wonder if its the actual math part like the equations and stuff or the abstractness...