Recent content by Adolfo Scheidt

  1. Adolfo Scheidt

    I Product of complex conjugate functions with infinite sums

    Oh, it's very clear now! Thank you so much :)
  2. Adolfo Scheidt

    I Product of complex conjugate functions with infinite sums

    Good pointed; more precisely, I do not understand why he chooses a different index for each sum.
  3. Adolfo Scheidt

    I Product of complex conjugate functions with infinite sums

    Hello there. I'm here to request help with mathematics in respect to a problem of quantum physics. Consider the following function $$ f(\theta) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty}(2l+1)a_l P_l(cos\theta) , $$ where ##f(\theta)## is a complex function ##P_l(cos\theta)## is the l-th Legendre polynomial and...
  4. Adolfo Scheidt

    I Harmonic Oscillator equivalence

    I was thinking about that; actually, it's the answer that makes more sense to me. I just thought that was kind of "weird" the similarity of the equations on a physical context, but if the focus is the "shape" of the equation (Mathematically), makes all sense. Thank you :)
  5. Adolfo Scheidt

    I Harmonic Oscillator equivalence

    Hello, I'm studying the section 2.2 of "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition" (Griffiths), and he shows this equation $$\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial x^2} = -k^2\psi , $$ where psi is a function only of x (this equation was derivated from the time-independent Schrödinger equation) and...
  6. Adolfo Scheidt

    Understanding Quantum Mechanics: A Student's Guide

    Hello! I'm a studend of Physics from Brazil, actually being introduced now to Quantum Mechanics. I'm having some trouble with it, and many questions! Hope I'll get some good help here :)