Recent content by ADCooper

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    Find Magnetic Field from Electric Field Using Maxwell's Equations

    Homework Statement An electromagnetic wave has an electric field \mathbf{E} = E_0 \cos(kz-ωt) \hat{x}. Using Maxwell's equations, find the magnetic field. Homework Equations \mathbf{∇\times E} = \mathbf{\dot{B}} The Attempt at a Solution So this problem appears extremely simple, but other...
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    Most valuable graduate courses?

    You'll likely have to take the class again since you're planning graduate school, but I'd recommend a graduate level Math methods course, since seeing the material again later will likely make it more understandable and it's a class that will help you in all other physics classes.
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    Do I need E.M. theory for Quantum mechanics?

    If you want anything more than a pop-sci version of QM, I'd recommend you focus on learning vector calculus first, as it's essential in almost every physics course you'll take (CM, EM, and QM included). You won't even see a large amount of group theory explicitly mentioned in undergraduate...
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    Finding the Normalization Constant of a Gaussian Distribution (Griffiths 1.6)

    Thanks a bunch. I was a little confused because the solution I had found involved erf and I wasn't quite sure how to use it since I'd never seen that function before.
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    Finding the Normalization Constant of a Gaussian Distribution (Griffiths 1.6)

    Homework Statement Consider the Gaussian Distribution ρ(x) = A e^{-λ(x-a)^{2}} where A, a, and λ are constants. Determine the normalization constant A. Homework Equations \int^{∞}_{-∞}ρ(x) dx = 1 The Attempt at a Solution The problem recommends you look up all necessary integrals, so I...
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    Study groups for calculus and topology

    Wish I had seen this at the beginning of Summer, really wanted to do something like this, but now with the semester starting in a few weeks I feel like I'll quit too fast due to classes to make it worth it. Quick aside: is Spivak's book worth getting into having finished an entire calculus...
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    2012 Physics and Astronomy REU Programs

    Anyone get a reply from UPenn yet?
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    How Fast Did My Friend Travel to Alpha Centauri and Back?

    Nevermind, figured it out! Would delete if it was possible
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    How Fast Did My Friend Travel to Alpha Centauri and Back?

    Homework Statement A friend of yours who is the same age as you travels to the star Alpha Centauri, which is 4 light· year away, and returns immediately. He claims that the entire trip took just 6 years. How fast did he travel? How much older are you than him when he returns? Homework...
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    Need Help Turning One File into Thousands of Files (in Python)

    Homework Statement I'm not sure if this is quite where this belongs since it's not homework really, but I just need help programming and I figured this would be the place to ask. It's related to undergraduate research I'm doing so if that's not kosher just say so! I want to write a Python...
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    Which mathematical topics should I attempt to self-study over the Summer?

    Thanks to everyone for the recommendations! Tons of stuff to look into now. One more question! Anyone have any books specifically good for improving with geometry? I mean, I have a lot of the basics down, but I feel like its probably my weakest subject math-wise. (Preferably not Euclid's...
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    Which mathematical topics should I attempt to self-study over the Summer?

    I'll definitely look into those. Any specific book for complex analysis? I'm assuming I should wait until I do a little bit of proving before I attempt complex analysis, or do you think its manageable without it? Thanks a lot, I really appreciate recommendations
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    Which mathematical topics should I attempt to self-study over the Summer?

    Alrighty, I appreciate it! I'll definitely look into that one