Recent content by abotiz

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    B Beta Plus Decay: Exploring the Physics Behind It

    Well, would you be so kind to explain? I really thought that, that summarized both your posts. That there is a probability for something to happen. And probability happen when things match up or when physics allows it. And it would not make sense that the first time particle A in a complex...
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    B Beta Plus Decay: Exploring the Physics Behind It

    No, this is news to me. But if I understood you both correctly, it is something along the lines Almost like, nucleus gives away its energy in a certain frequency, throws it out and take it in again, and proton is susceptible to decay with a certain frequency, and when the probability matches...
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    B Beta Plus Decay: Exploring the Physics Behind It

    Hi, I have a question about beta plus decay. I have read through the previous post regarding this decay, but I did not find anyone mentioning what I wonder about. Also, some post dates back to 2009, and maybe some recent findings in physics can explain things in a "better" way. So according to...
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    What happens with the electrons in electrical appliances?

    Thank you Dave. Yes, that's what they say. But I think there is something else to the story. I know for a fact that chamber walls for ionisation champer are often air or water equivalent to be able to measure a quantity that can be related to us humans (approx. water bodies). If I remember...
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    What happens with the electrons in electrical appliances?

    Thank you Dave for your quick reply. That makes sense. Another related question, in the same family, the Ionisation chamber, which also have an anode. The cathode in same cases does not seem so obvious. We have one where you can exchange the cap/chamber, and it looks like the only metal part is...
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    What happens with the electrons in electrical appliances?

    Hi, I have a loose understanding of some things in life. This in particular regards the electrons in electrical appliances. Lets say electrons in a Geiger–Müller tube. They way it is described is that radiation interacts with the chamber wall or the gas and knocks out electrons. These electron...
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    Shaping time on my amplifier alters the gamma energy registered?

    Thank you, However I did not understand your post compelety about the time aspect time. Are you talking about Wilkinson-type ADC? I just set up the same experiment today, this time with Cs-137, and pretty much the same result with a different NaI, preamp and new Nim-Bin ( with HV and...
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    Shaping time on my amplifier alters the gamma energy registered?

    Hi, 1) Almost two years ago, I can't recall the radioactive source used for this setup. 2) Yes 3) Everything is the same, except for the shaping time. I know that longer shapping time should increase the centroid channel for the peak, maybe 10 keV (for NaI due to PM-tube increases the...
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    Help with fundamentals for understanding voltage, current, anode

    Hi, I have never been good at understanding how electricity works, I would appreciate very much if someone could help me get a good picture on my questions, maybe with some visual/easy/logical examples/thoughts? Electrons have a charge, in a metal they are free to move around, a charge in...
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    Gamma spectroscopy- Fine Gain Coarse Gain factors

    Well, he/she wanted to calibrate with Cs and Co, there was just an unexpected problem. So do I :) and I would commend the student for trying to solve the problem by using the amplifier gain. However, a better option would be to redo the calibration.
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    Gamma spectroscopy- Fine Gain Coarse Gain factors

    Well, it was a "lab" (not so serious) and he was using a scintillator, which is known for it's linearity. So I would not say its extremely incorrect, but a good approximation :)
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    Temperature dependence of the light yield in scintillators

    Hi, I have a question regarding the temperature dependence of the light yield in scintillators. I will attach a figure from the book by Glenn F. Knoll, So the question is, what is causing the reduction in light yield with high temperatures, when the decay time for the scintillation...
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    Gamma spectroscopy- Fine Gain Coarse Gain factors

    Hi, I know this is a little late for a reply, but perhaps someone else is wondering the same thing. This is good question, and Iam not sure there really is correct answer regarding fine gain. I once heared from a wise man, that coarse gain is what you would expect to be, a pure amplification...
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    Why conductors bonds in such way that leaves the valence band not full

    Hi, Iam trying to understand the differences between metals, semiconductors and insulators. Regarding the conductivity properties. Iam new to this area so please correct me if I am wrong. I may be simplifying things now; 1) If I put a voltage over a solid, I only measure a current if...
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    Main reason why semiconductor is used and not a pure metal for detec

    Thank you for your answers! So this means that there is no "electron configuration" in a metal, all electrons are shared with all the atoms? E.g K-shell and L-shell electrons does not exist in a solid metal? My initial thought was this, radiation interactions or crosssection...