Recent content by Aaron1947

  1. Aaron1947

    Quantum entanglement: need ideas for creative writing....

    Let's say the device is broken and they're trying to reverse engineer it. Why did the aliens leave in the first place? Idk, maybe some good aliens came along and ran them off. I'll have to rethink the plot now.
  2. Aaron1947

    Quantum entanglement: need ideas for creative writing....

    Okay, see that's why I'm here lol. Thanks for the heads up! BUT, let's say that the aliens visited Earth in the past and left the device. The whole ancient aliens thing is hot right now, so I could classify it under "found alien technology." That would help to explain why the evil DARPA people...
  3. Aaron1947

    Quantum entanglement: need ideas for creative writing....

    Yea, I didn't see any of that. At least two or three posts have vanished that I've seen, and apparently more have vanished that I never even got a chance to read. I wondered why no one was responding to this thread.
  4. Aaron1947

    Quantum entanglement: need ideas for creative writing....

    Okay, why do posts keep vanishing? Am I in the wrong view or something?
  5. Aaron1947

    Quantum entanglement: need ideas for creative writing....

    It's really funny you say that because in the story the aliens are able to travel faster than light by projecting themselves holographically. The story presupposes that the universe is a holographic simulation, and the aliens are able to essentially hack into that mechanism and exploit it for...
  6. Aaron1947

    Quantum entanglement: need ideas for creative writing....

    So I'm working on a creative writing exercise, and I need some ideas. It's futuristic science fiction, set about 100 years in the future. The plot in a nutshell is that a rogue element of the government (think DARPA, only more evil) is trying to develop faster than light communication using...
  7. Aaron1947

    Thank You: Appreciation for Answering my Questions

    I just wanted to thank everyone for answering my questions thus far. I can't tell you how much you have already broadened my horizons. You all are truly ambassadors of your field, and your eagerness to help others truly shows your passion and excitement for what is undoubtedly the most important...
  8. Aaron1947

    Directed Graph of Alcoholic Beverages?

    I'm not sure what you're asking for is even possible, or if it would be helpful. I worked in a liquor store in college, and basically everything starts out as wine or beer. Beer can be made from any grain, and wine can be made from any fruit. But then you have something like vodka or tequila...
  9. Aaron1947

    B What came first, matter or energy?

    Okay, now I get it.
  10. Aaron1947

    B What came first, matter or energy?

    So in reality, energy is just matter in another form? And there can be no energy without matter first?
  11. Aaron1947

    B Info needed on origin of light

    Thanks, Drakkith.
  12. Aaron1947

    B What came first, matter or energy?

    I don't know if this question is even relevant, but I wonder about it so I'm asking it. I understand from GR that matter and energy are essentially interchangeable, that matter can be converted to energy and vice versa. I also understand that the earliest "snapshot" of our cosmos (via the...
  13. Aaron1947

    I Some questions regarding the initial singularity

    I'm amazed at how little we actually know. Even with all of our advanced technology and knowledge, we're still relying on philosophy to answer our most basic questions. I guess that's really what I'm here for, is to try and figure out what we actually know, then try to put my worldview into that...
  14. Aaron1947

    B Info needed on origin of light

    So far as we know, did all the elementary particles emerge at the same time, or are there any hypotheses about which ones may have emerged first?
  15. Aaron1947

    B Info needed on origin of light

    I think I understand now. So basically, all the elementary particles were already there as early as we can detect, and we're inferring (by equations I suppose?) that they were created by matter/antimatter collisions? And as the plasma cooled, the elementary particles formed the first atoms...