Recent content by 334dave

  1. 3

    Medical Strange Sensation starting to fall asleep

    i don't have the realistic dreams so often at 56 but when i do i enjoy them.. i rarely have the close eyes and open them awake and refreshed once in a year if lucky
  2. 3

    Medical Sleep / REM Sleep and homeostasis

    thanks denver! how it works not known humm? it is also being used for survivors of TBI as an aid in focusing thinking...concentration... and it does work in that respect! it also settles excitability... again i can assure you it works on the above.. but it is mainly used for treatment of ADHD...
  3. 3

    Medical Sleep / REM Sleep and homeostasis

    yes it might for a few it is a side effect.. lota meds have side effects all are a bennie vs risk basis.. however it does not for me, i had tachycardia and other heart attack symptoms on every day use now take it once in a while for short term use helps with mental clarity also. note mil...
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    Medical Sleep / REM Sleep and homeostasis

    hi for you folks that would email me on this for mil use you can give it up now yes i do take one of these from my doctor for additional civilian info google narcolepsy meds ( best source for med info) ADHD meds ( good source also for med info) also Sleep apnea and TBI meds also brain...
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    Medical Sleep / REM Sleep and homeostasis

    this begs the question - why is sleep necessary? the military is using drugs improve alertness and for staying awake up to 3 days at a time in long critical missions and in cases were it is important to improve recall of mission data for from isolated assignments this is accomplished by...
  6. 3

    Medical The worst disease ever in human history

    well quite the discussion on noninfectious .. ugh... conditions or behaviors.. i would have to agree with the flu of 1918 but i would like to expand on what is the worse on the human condition i/e the person? rabbies ? leper loosing parts of his body? loosing your mind or un-tolerable...
  7. 3

    Native Americans: Origins and Accuracy

    you come up with two exceptions to a generally i proposed seems in your world to say crows are not black you only have to find a white crow.. or two yet you offer soft terms such as inferior or distinct this is not math forum ... the conflicts are mostly arisen from those that were not able...
  8. 3

    Native Americans: Origins and Accuracy

    yes it is a tough call as to whom to call what... for practical use i would use indigenous as a term to imply/apply of/to primitive {to the discovers} inhabitants "there" before the end of the dark ages.. and the age of discovery/exploration away from the Euro/Asian land masses.. IE: the...
  9. 3

    Native Americans: Origins and Accuracy

    but history of that is long ago what i am talking of is as little as 50 years ago.. i grew up being told that if they ask a school to "...NOT to tell anyone you are part indian .." " ..tell them you are german or irish ." why? because " between 1924 and 1964, the commonwealth, operating...
  10. 3

    Native Americans: Origins and Accuracy

    Yes you are correct in jackson is the name i was meaning thx.. what was done lead to the indian wars in fla which never were won also if it had not been for the indian fighters he never would have won the battle of NO thus this country would have never become what it is.. he was also...
  11. 3

    Native Americans: Origins and Accuracy

    then i apologize, i have some strong feelings on the subject as you can no dought tell perhapps i am to close to the issue to form any unbiased opinions on this. i truly fee that Jackson's behavior negates any praise for what he did for this country as what he did to the indians would today...
  12. 3

    Native Americans: Origins and Accuracy

    yes that any person can own a eagle feather or hawk feather.. or fish limited salmon stocks.. and the gambling ...why yes wow "bro's number hall" is opening down the street.. i can not speak for other indians many feel the rights they have are negocated taht they keep them from a treaty...
  13. 3

    Native Americans: Origins and Accuracy

    well .. i think you are not only wrong but all wet.. on the born here thing that is.. but you are entitled you your own thoughts on that.. much of the debate is centered on that the euro folks come here took over if you are of the powerful group taking over you can be called what ever you...
  14. 3

    Medical What is the role of the neocortex in human intelligence and movement?

    when discussing what others write in a book many have differing thoughts on what was said the more some learn the more they may disagree with what others think conversely some may be more willing to listen to differing thoughts.. i have learned in my study of TBI that there are many...
  15. 3

    11 year old kills fathers girlfriend 8 months pregnant

    as to the gun issue only free people own guns had not free people owned guns we would have royal palaces in florida and maine god bless the NRA! nor would we have a VA for the GI's that were shot at in DC asking for what the govt promised them